# CSS Architecture ## on a Shoestring [@bensmithett](https://twitter.com/bensmithett)
## Once upon a time... - One huge CSS file - No real structure - New features? Kinda just added stuff to the bottom
## OOCSS ## SMACSS ## SUIT ## BEM ## North
## Sass ## Less ## Stylus
## Compass ## Bourbon
## Bootstrap ## Inuit ## Susy ## Singularity
## Grunt ## Gulp ## Yeoman
## The basics Solid, scalable, maintainable CSS architecture.
## app.scss
### app.scss ```scss @import "vendor/normalize.css" @import "base" @import "components/*" ```
## [Normalize.css](http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/) Starts us on a level playing field.
## _base.scss ```scss *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; } a { color: green; } ```
# Components
``` .page {} .header {} .comment-box {} .avatar {} ```
#### Rule #1 ### Each component has its own file
```bash components/ _avatar.scss _comment_box.scss _header.scss _page.scss ```

When I see this HTML

<div class="comment-box">

I know to look in

#### Rule #2 ### A component has no knowledge of its context
```scss .avatar { display: block; > img { display: block; max-width: 100%; } } ```
#### Rule #3 ### Components can have subcomponents
```scss // components/_comment_box.scss .comment-box__avatar { ... } ``` ```scss // components/_profile_box.scss .profile-box__avatar { ... } ```
```css .comment-box__avatar { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; height: 50px; width: 50px; } ```
```html <div class="comment-box"> <div class="comment-box__avatar"> <a class="avatar" href="#"> <img src="..."> </a> </div> </div> ```
```html <div class="comment-box"> <div class="comment-box__avatar"> <Avatar src="foo.jpg" /> </div> </div> ```
#### Rule #4 ### Minimise depth of applicibility
```scss .comment-box { a { color: blue; } } ```
```scss .comment-box { > a { color: blue; } } ```
```scss .comment-box__link { color: blue; } ```
#### Rule #5 ### Components should be small & disposable
If a class doesn't fit on a 27" monitor without scrolling, it's too big!
``` .comment-box { ... } .comment-box__avatar { ... a { ... } img { ... } } ```
# Summary
### Everything is a component
### Each component has its own file
### A component knows nothing about its context
### Create sized, positioned containers for nested components
### Make small, disposable components
```bash stylesheets/ app.scss _base.scss vendor/ normalize.css components/ _comment_box.scss _header.scss _page.scss ... ```
```bash components/ comment_box/ _comment_box.scss _comment_box.html _comment_box.js page/ _page.scss _page.html _page.js ... ```
### What if I have existing CSS?
```bash stylesheets/ _utilities.scss _forms.scss _typography.scss _some_page_specific_junk.scss ```
```bash stylesheets/ base/ _utilities.scss _forms.scss _typography.scss _some_page_specific_junk.scss components/ _new_thing.scss ```
# Thanks! [@bensmithett](https://twitter.com/bensmithett)